Decimal Form:
Step-by-step explanation:
Entrance fee should be proportional to the number of visitors -- this means that if we divide entrance fee by number of visitors for each of them, we would have the same number.
Step-by-step explanation:
Museum C
From the said lesson, the difficulty that I have been trough in dealing over the exponential expressions is the confusion that frequently occurs across my system whenever there's a thing that I haven't fully understand. It's not that I did not actually understand what the topic was, but it is just somewhat confusing and such. Also, upon working with exponential expressions — indeed, I have to remember the rules that pertain to dealing with exponents and frequently, I will just found myself unconsciously forgetting what those rule were — rules which is a big deal or a big thing in the said lesson because it is obviously necessary/needed over that matter. Surely, it is also a big help for me to deal with exponential expressions since it's so much necessary — it's so much necessary but I keep fogetting it.. hence, that's why I call it a difficulty. That's what my difficulty. And in order to overcome that difficulty, I will do my best to remember and understand well the said rules as soon as possible.
You Would Write Is 4x4x4
You Would Verbally Say Four To The Third Or Four Cubed