Neutrality Acts prepared the United States for WW2
Philippines, Carolines, and Alaska
D. Established the independence of Texas
An attitude of both liberalism and nationalism.
In Europe in 1830 and 1848 there were a number of revolution movements, trying to replace old conservative governments. The revolutions often had a liberal flavor -- wanting "liberty" and political rights, vesting power in parliaments rather than just in kings and aristocracies. There also were nationalist feelings that spurred some of the revolutionary movements. In places like the Italian peninsula and German territories, that meant creating a united Italy or Germany.
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) hired Clarence Darrow to represent John T Scopes.
The Scopes Trial was a famous case during the 1920's that involved whether or not the theory of evolution should be taught in school. This case was focused around the idea of how do religion and science mesh in the public school setting. The ACLU hired Darrow for this case due to his incredible background and success as a defense attorney in the US.