Investors took more risks and the stock market declined.
Consumers and producers in a free market economy are "free" to produce and consume what ever they want, and demand for products dictates production--whereas in a command economy, producers are told how much to produce by the government.
In a free market economy is where the individuals who are the producers, make their own decisions on what products to produce and sell.In this type of market, the government does not intervene. The advantage of this system is that producers have full control to produce products of their choice and they are more multivated to work and produce goods to earn money.This also boosts the economy growth by allowing the total control to the producers who produce goods according to the demand of the market.
Condensation if I'm not mistaking.
8 years
4 years per each term. They can only serve 2 terms.
In 1920s the prohibition of alcohol is not much effective than compared to current prohibition of drugs however drugs are more harmful for our health so there are still Case of drugs addiction and trafficking. There need a proper implementation of laws and order for the prohibition of drugs cause it still not decreasing instead of that it is increasing. So people of 1920s is much more responsible than today's. In the presence of this strict rules and regulations drugs addiction is not decreasing then it is proved that laws and order is weak at 1920s compared to current era but the case of drugs in current society is more than 1929s. Both prohibition is equal according to the laws,order and development at their time .