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Answer: Don't think about it...
Whether she's a narcissists or not, you should start by just thinking about the bright side of things. For example, think about how less abusive your live is without her. If she lied and never loved you, then don't love her back, or waste your time thinking about her. And I hope your okay, stay strong!!! :)
The general theory of adaptation syndrome is the process the body undergoes when it responds to stress. Be it physiological or psychological. The process consists of three steps: alarm, resistance and exhaustion.
During the "alarm" phase, which is Tom's phase, acute stress occurs. The body seeks a rapid organic response to cope with what is causing stress by activating the hypothalamus and pituitary with ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone) release in the central nervous system. ACTH stimulates the adrenal glands to secrete corticosteroids and adrenaline (catecholamine). The adrenal glands begin to produce and release stress hormones (adrenaline and cortisol), which accelerate the heartbeat, dilate the pupils, increase sweating and blood sugar levels, reduce digestion (as well as growth and interest). by sex), contract the spleen (which expels more red blood cells to the bloodstream, which increases tissue oxygenation) and causes immunosuppression (reduced body defenses). The function of this physiological response is to prepare the organism for action, which may be “fight” or “escape”.
Infants show many reflexes as soon as they come out of their mother. Two of them are the sucking reflex and the root reflex. The root reflex is when the baby's side of the mouth is touch and they will then move their head towards where the were touched, allowing them to latch onto the breast or the bottle for food. The sucking reflex pretty much explains itself. When the roof of the baby's mouth is touched, they will begin to suck as they will think/know that it is feeding time.
Hope this helps!!
Other reflexes can be found on: