It was made by afircan slaves
Consequentialism is the view that morality is all about producing the right kinds of overall consequences. Here the phrase “overall consequences” of an action means everything the action brings about, including the action itself. For example, if you think that the whole point of morality is (a) to spread happiness and relieve suffering, or (b) to create as much freedom as possible in the world, or (c) to promote the survival of our species, then you accept consequentialism. Although those three views disagree about which kinds of consequences matter, they agree that consequences are all that matters. So, they agree that consequentialism is true. The utilitarianism of John Stuart Mill and Jeremy Bentham is a well known example of consequentialism. By contrast, the deontological theories of John Locke and Immanuel Kant are nonconsequentialist.
Consequentialism is controversial. Various nonconsequentialist views are that morality is all about doing one’s duty, respecting rights, obeying nature, obeying God, obeying one’s own heart, actualizing one’s own potential, being reasonable, respecting all people, or not interfering with others—no matter the consequences.
This article describes different versions of consequentialism. It also sketches several of the most popular reasons to believe consequentialism, along with objections to those reasons, and several of the most popular reasons to disbelieve it, along with objections to those reasons.
It supervised the state's finances, navy, cavalry, sacred matters, building and shipping matters and care for invalids and orphans. Its own members staffed many boards that oversaw the finer points of these many administrative duties. Cleisthenes. took power in 508 BCE. destroyed the remaining power of the aristocratic families by replacing the old noble tribes with 10 new ones and making sure that each new tribe was made up of a mix of classes. also gave the Assembly the right to make and enforce laws. There could be no appeal from its decisions. created the Council of 500. Those in the Council were selected by lottery from the ten tribes. They advised the assembly and supervised the actions of the archons. set the minimum age to be an archon at 30. created the Board of 10 Generals. The people elected generals-one from each tribe. I believe that citizens have a responsibility to vote on all matters. Votes were held on average every ten days. However, ten percent of the citizens had to show up in order for a vote to take place. That meant that 5,000 people had to show up.
i only know this because i lust did an assignment for this
hope this helps
I think it is scale
Scale is the ground distance over map distance
It will have a negative effect on hand success.
The strength of a war is seen from the readiness and availability of sophisticated weapons by the party involves.
Hand succes is hardly achieved in war in this our dispensation and Time. More tedious works cannot be achieved by hand success. Distance communication will be crippled without applying technology.