Lead to more test and what you think about whatever your conclusion is about
a. DNA carries instructions for the functions of every cell and enzyme in living organisms.
b. DNA can serve as a way to identify one individual from another.
Which of the following is TRUE about DNA?
a. DNA carries instructions for the functions of every cell and enzyme in living organisms.
b. DNA can serve as a way to identify one individual from another.
c. All living organisms can carry DNA in practically every cell of their body
In the matrix of mitochondria the reactions known as the citric acid or Krebs cycle produce a chemical called NADH. NADH is then used by enzymes embedded in the mitochondrial inner membrane to generate adenosine triphosphate (ATP). In ATP the energy is stored in the form of chemical bonds.
e. None of the above
For me as a Researcher, the reason could be increased Concentration of your DNA sample which you are using as your template. Try to decrease the concentration of DNA (up to 100 ng per reaction is enough and can increase up to 200 ng). so the reason for getting non specific bands is increase concentration of DNA which results in non specific amplification and also degradation of DNA in the reaction which you can see in your gel electrophoresis results.
i always corrected my results using the same technique that is lowering the concentration of DNA between 100 and 200 ng per single reaction of PCR.