Hypnotic meditation
Hypnosis is a phenomenon of cooperation in which the respondent answer professionally. In this phenomenon, the person will enter into a trance-like state where a hypnotist asked questions and the respondent answers them. Meditation is a little bit different from hypnotism. In meditation, you can do your own or it can be guided by some other person's instructions. You feel relaxed after mediation. There are differences between guided meditation and hypnotism.
Thus Larry suggests that Bill Cluck likes the chicken when hypnotized. He is also playing the role of hypnotized. This is the best example of hypnotic meditation.
The delegates compromised. Each slave would count as three-fifths of a person. ... A special committee worked out another compromise: Congress would have the power to ban the slave trade, but not until 1800. The convention voted to extend the date to 1808.
- Giving money instead of gifts on marriages.
- Giving money to children on special religious events.
- Financially helping relatives or friends during medical emergencies.
- Giving a present at the birth of a new child.
These social norms might sound like they are present in many other societies. If you are more specific about your culture or the country/sub-continent you belong to, I will be able to give more culture specific norms.
Subprime mortgages were considered toxic assets because mortgages were bought by investment banks and they bundled them and sold them as securities is True.
Toxic assets are those which can be sold a very low price therefore not making any profit for the seller due to significant drop of value or because they aren’t in demand anymore and cannot be sold in the market. Subprime mortgages were one of the risky investments in the midst of the financial recession.
Subprime mortgages from lenders were loaned to borrowers with no assets, poor credit and sometimes not even an income and sold to investors with regular payments as security. This over securitization was one of the major cause that triggered the financial crisis in 2007-2009 and a decrease in housing demand.