The following observations can be made about Landscape with the Fall of Icarus:
A. The man with a horse is a noticeable figure.
C. The sun reflects on the water in the distance.
E. The scene shows different elements of nature.
Landscape with the Fall of Icarus is a canvas oil painting by "Pieter Bruegel the Elder" that depicts the legs of Icarus splashing into the water as its wings collapse.
- Icarus is often used as a metaphor for human pride and ambition. This exhibits the humanity, the season, the farmer and nature. Silently the author questions human nature and their self interest.
The poem sets out a rising theme of irresponsibility and individualism between mankind. Nowadays no one has time to consider about and stress about the concerns of others.
- The Fall of Icarus is humanity's downfall. This also shows weakening human ideals and human nature. Icarus interacted fairly with both nature and humans. The farmer had been able to support Icarus and keep him alive. Likewise, Icarus showed little loyalty to both the sun and the sea.
The word altruistic comes from the word altruism and suffix - tic. The word altruism means the principle and concern for other human's happiness. It is a selfless concern for the welfare of others. The term denotes a life attitude that includes selflessness, affection, love for another, and willingness to help another, at the cost of personal harm and sacrifice, without any compensation or outward reward. Altruism comes from the French word autrui, which means "other people".
The suffix -tic is used in adjectives of Greek origin, especially in the formation of adjectives from nouns.
The structure tells the reader that it is adverb that means helping and loving another human being. To be altruistic means to feel empathy for another and help and to love.
Jalia's stomach rumbled. She yearned for a bite of a burger, or anything for that matter. She licked her lips at the thought of having one.