Answer: If the carbon bonds are on a different charge or one is not charged evenly it will break or maybe misshape the membrane.
I’d say the last one, the cancer cells lack inhibition and the do not stop reproducing. The rest of the answers don’t really make sense. The cancer cells can be controlled with chemotherapy so the first one is definitely wrong. And I do not believe that they contain stem cells. The last one is right because the reason cells become cancerous is because their growth inhibitors are broken or switched off, so they do not know when to stop growing and it becomes a problem for the body.
Both have same structure. Eat the same, move the same.
Para determinar la distancia a la que se encuentra una gaviota respecto del nivel del mar, es necesario medir la altura a la que se encuentra volando. Así, dado que el nivel del mar tiene una altura considerada como de 0 metros, si la gaviota está volando a unos 500 metros de altura, por ejemplo, esa será su distancia respecto del nivel del mar.