I think the sugar lollipop one cause its about if sugar melts faster or not
Gas: when the water has evaporated and is now out in the air. Water molecules move super fast during this stage.
Liquid: Water molecules have a good amount of space to move around, but they aren’t traveling as fast as they do in the gastric state.
Solid: ice in other words, the water molecules are super tight and compact, but are still moving around, just not very fast.
The new research carried out by NASA on mars suggets that many of the Mars' ancient channel have been carved by flowing water, were actually formed by melt water beneath glacial ice sheets. The rocks looked familiar to the rocks found on Earth in these water channels. Moreover, conglomerate rock was found near the base of the channel on Mars.
What is the chemical that helps in providing the ideal PH for pancreatic amylase to function in the human body?
This allows the protein lipase to break down and digest the fat in the small intestine much more quickly. The pancreas secretes bicarbonate to neutralize the acidity of chyme and pancreatic amylase to aid in the digestion of carbohydrates.