It's been years and years since I read this book and I still remember the horribly evil rent situation that was forced upon so many, basically making them slaves to their landlords. I also remember the finger of a worker being cut off and sealed into the can of meat
Infant mortality is the death of an infant before his or her first birthday. The infant mortality rate is the number of infant deaths for every 1,000 live births.
People who stand on the sidelines, hoping to benefit from the action. In other words, earn without putting in the effort.
Everything a speaker says is filtered through a listener's
"Frame of reference".
Frame of reference is an intricate arrangement of
suppositions and states of mind which we use to channel observations to make
meaning. The frame can incorporate convictions, compositions, inclinations,
qualities, culture and different manners by which we predisposition our
comprehension and judgment. Like we are wearing pink glasses and normally trust
that the world has a pink shade, and subsequently that others will see it