If we dont have enzymes then we would become malnourished as our body wouldnt be able to absorb the nutrients. Enzymes work in digestion to break down the food we eat
0 mya, 175mya, 250mya, 400mya
The substance which highest million year ago should be more in-depth in the soil hence 400mpa should occupy the highest depth below the ground.
The purpose of the carbon cycle is to utilize the carbon by the organisms such as plant which uses carbon in the form of carbondioxide for making food. This carbon is stored in the form of glucose. When this food is eaten by the animals, it is broken down into simpler substances and carbondioxode is released in the atmosphere again.
Some carbon is present in soil which is used by microorganisms such as bacteria. So carbon cycle is very important for the survival of life on earth.
D! Because a gas takes its form and volume of its container