Silicon is the basic material used to make computer chips, transistors, silicon diodes and other electronic circuits and switching devices because its atomic structure makes the element an ideal semiconductor.
For the first one, you have to find one that has both a metal and a nonmetal in it, plus potassium. Bonds between nonmetals are called covalent because they share electrons and a bond between a metal and a nonmetal is an ionic bond because they exchange electrons.
Potassium chloride is KCl. Only an ionic bond.
Potassium hydride is KH. Only an ionic bond.
Potassium nitrate is KNO3. There we go, that has a covalent bond between the nitrogen and oxygen, and an ionic bond between potassium and the nitrogen and oxygen.
For the second one, potassium chloride is the answer because the other three also have covalent bonds. Chloride is the only one that isn't a compound.
<span>Energy = Mass * heat capacity * temperature change so,
</span>The energy added is 435 J and the temperature has to increase since the energy is added.
<span>435 J = 10.0 g * 0.89 J/gC * temperature change </span>
<span>Temperature change = 48.9 C </span>
<span>The initial temperature is 25.0 C, the final temperature is 25.0 C + 48.9 C = 73.9 C.</span>
Discovery of neutron
Until 1932, the atom was believed to be composed of a positively charged nucleus surrounded by negatively charged electrons, after successful discovery of electron by J.J. Thompson and proton by Ernest Rutherford.
In 1932, James Chadwick bombarded beryllium atoms with alpha particles.
As Chadwick had previously seen in experiment conducted by Frédéric and Irène Joliot-Curie, they had bombarded a sample of beryllium with alpha radiation.
Chadwick repeated the experiment and observed an unknown radiation, this showed no deflection what-so-ever.
He repeated this experiment by bombarding other materials, like helium, nitrogen and lithium,
Finally, Chadwick found that this radiation was composed of particles with a neutral electrical charge and had approximate mass of a proton.
This particle was then known as the neutron.