<span>A profile is made the first occasion when that a client sign on
to a Windows XP, Windows 2000, or Windows NT® Workstation–based PC. A client
profile is a gathering of settings and documents that characterizes the
condition that the framework loads when a client sign on. It incorporates all
the client arrangement settings, for example, program things, screen hues,
organize associations, printer associations, mouse settings, and window size
and position. Profiles are not client arrangements and the client has a profile
regardless of the possibility that you don't utilize Group Policy.</span>
C++ code is given below
#include <iostream>
#include <cctype>
#include <string.h>
#include <cstring>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
struct Car {
char reportingMark[5];
int carNumber;
string kind;
bool loaded;
string destination;
void input(Car *);
void output(Car *);
int main() {
Car *T = new Car;
delete T;
return 0;
void input(Car *T)
string str, s;
cout << " Enter the reporting mark as a 5 or less character uppercase string: ";
cin >> str;
for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++)
T->reportingMark[i] = toupper(str[i]);
cout << " Enter the car number: ";
cin >> T->carNumber;
cout << " Enter the kind: ";
cin >> T->kind;
cout << " Enter the loaded status as true or false: ";
cin >> s;
istringstream(s) >> boolalpha >> T->loaded;
if (T->loaded == true) {
cout << " Enter the destination: ";
getline(cin, T->destination);
T->destination = "NONE";
void output(Car *T)
cout << " Reporting Mark: " << T->reportingMark;
cout << " Car Number: " << T->carNumber;
cout << " Kind: " << T->kind;
cout << " Loaded Status: " << boolalpha << T->loaded;
cout << " Destination: " << T->destination << " ";
Answer: keeps confidential documents secure,
displays a GUI, allocates the computer's resources, and retrieves files
The operating system can be defined as the software installed in the system that provides the information and services to the users by controlling the hardware, software resources, and regulates the computer programs. It runs the applications and programs in the system, displays the graphic user interface for the services, stores, manipulates, and retrieves files. It prevents the unauthorized access to the data and programs by using passwords thus provides the security to the system and documents.
You can carfully wedge something in between the key and gently pull up
<h2>Answer and Explanation:</h2>
The picture shows the right careers with their respective career clusters.