by phone and by wifi internett
the last one
the domain specifies exactly what file is requested the path specifies where the browsers request should be sent
Answer: Kapilvastu was named after Vedic sage Kapilamuni
Some programmers include scroll bars, title bars, buttons, and menus in a program simply by adding them to a layout through a process called visual programming.
A visual programming language is also commonly referred to as graphics user interface builder (GUI builder) and can be defined as a programming tool that avails programmers the ability to develop software programs (applications) using graphical elements and figures rather than texts alone.
Some examples of visual programming language are executable UML, Blockly, Kodu, Alice, Lego mindstorms, Gamemakers etc.
Studying in groups can have many effective outcomes and be beneficial. Here are some ways studying in a group is benefical,
1. More support, limits chances of procrastination
<u> With many people, everyone is assigned a role or there is more determination by all peoples to get the work done than an individual being the only one responsible than many trying to accomplish the completion of the project. </u>
2. More people means more parts can get done effectively and taking notes is easier.
<u> More people allow the work (depending on the project of assignment) for the work to get more focused and worked on faster with the designated roles given. </u>
3. More interactive and allows (sometimes an enjoyable times) and to even learn faster than independently.
People, not all however, might like the company, there's support and even people skills is enhanced by being in the group.