I believe it's A. Enabling
Enabling is defined as doing things for a person with an alcohol problem that they normally could and would do for themselves if they were sober. In contrast, helping is doing something that the alcoholic could not or would not do for themselves if sober
Mental capacity can improved by exercising the use of Meditation
How do fish drown in the first place? 3 came back to life, well they don't need to come back to life if they cant't drown.
Answer: Use simple a language
Repeat what you say
Make it easier for them to listen or do
Build on what they say. give them harder things to learn like after colors do numbers
Pay attention when your child speaks or when they try to say something in a language
Read with your child
Songs lots of songs this helps lots
Word games this helps to
use a language app like duolingo
play games
always be patient they can't always get things right the first time.
and always congratulate them when they get things right.
Watch movies that are in the same language with English subtitles or the language your child already knows.
Explanation: That's how I learned French same with other people who was learning French with me.