In the large rainfall is some water remains in the top of the soil the rest of this water is seeped into the ground.
- Mainly the absorption of water by the ground depends upon the nature and the fertility of the soil.
- When the ground receives the water it mainly accounts for the absorption and then there will be a runoff. The absorption helps to raise the level of groundwater for future usage.
- The amount of water that can get into the soil mainly depends upon the permeability of the soil surface. The water which can't infiltrate in the soil runs off into the water bodies.
- The water is an essential requirement for survival and the existence of biological organisms.
The development of all karst landforms requires the presence of rock which is capable of being dissolved by surface water or ground water.
- Eijiro <3
The answer is the
population size. The chance has a role
in determining whether a given individual survives and reproduces and the
alleles in the offspring are a sample of those in the parents. it is the change
in the frequency of an existing gene variant (allele) in a population due to
random sampling of organisms. Genetic Drift or another term for allelic drift
or the Sewall Wright effect.