The Supreme Court is very weak what about my brothers and sisters getting unruly cases and no justice to senseless murders and being placed in ghettos and shanty towns receiving no resources that are available in any other community that is non black. Just sayin
Maps include smaller lands that globes do not have listed. Maps are flat and have landmarks to refer to in your travels to a place. Maps have more specifics while a globe just lists ocean currents, names, and countries and islands.
Martin Luther gained religious enlightenment through his studies and believed that the church was getting in the way of peoples relationship with god and believed it was not for the church to tax people in return for their sins being forgiven he wrote the 95 Theses to complain about the wrong things the church was doing and nailed it to church doors in Germany he was part of the reformation which is one thing that lead to the enlightenment by weakening the churches power
ocean liner were the primary mode of intercontinental travel fot over a century from the mid-19th century until they began to be supplanted by air liner in 1950's