When you multiply a decimal with a decimal, you just multiply like you would with whole numbers. Then, you count the numbers to the right of the decimal for both multiplicand an multiplier. If the equation was 8.374 x 1.234, then you would put the decimal 6 spots to the left of the product. For the first step of solving this is just multiply like and decimal is not there. The answer would be 10333516. Then you count the number right of the multiplicand and the multiplier. In total there is 6 numbers, so you put the decimal 6 spots to the right. The end result would be 10.333516. Hope this helped!
Step-by-step explanation:
Use the distributive property and multiply 4 by each term in the parentheses. 4 times 8x = 32x and 4 times -6y = -24y.
The answer is 40 because if you do simple division you will get that 800/20 is 40
Step-by-step explanation:
the slope of line n is also -3 as it is parallel to m
The answer is A
In the fraction 41/100, 41 is the numerator and 100 is the denominator, the fraction bar means "divided by". So to convert 41/100 as decimal number we simply divide the numerator by denominator.
When we calculated 41 divided by 100, we found that 41/100 in decimal form is:
41 ÷ 100 = 0.41
Therefore, the decimal equivalent of 41/100 is 0.41
Step-by-step explanation:
Hope it is helpful....