Malignant tumors are classified according to the type of cells that give rise to them.
Hi there! Hopefully this helps!
The answer to your question is the second sentence:
<em> </em><em>Atoms</em><em> in the star </em><em>begin to combine.</em>
The correct answer is D)
Cycle energy and matter to support the biosphere as a closed energy system
The earth as we know it is a closed energy system that is, matter cannot be introduced or removed from it. Sometimes, rare meterites enter into the system with minimal or no disruption.
Also, energy can enter and leave. The energy mostly referenced here is the sun.
Within the earths system, the lithosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere materials and energy go through a cycle which helps to support life.
For example, water when heated up by the sun rises as vapour from the earth and oceans into the atmosphere where it cools and condenses. When it cools and condenses, it
, in the form of rain, comes down on the earth and oceans. As rain falls down to the earth and runs off the rocks, rocks are broken down into smaller fragments and soils. The hydrosphere comprises of all water bodies on earth. Besides the vapours which are evaporated from the same into the atmosphere, when volcanoes erupt they also send vapourised water into the atmosphere.
So because the earth is a closed system, a change in one sphere effects a change in others. An example is a change in the water cycle.
Lamarckism, a theory of evolution based on the principle that physical changes in organisms during their lifetime—such as greater development of an organ or a part through increased use—could be transmitted to their offspring.
Lamarck believed that the stretching elongated the giraffe's neck, which became a useful characteristic and was passed onto future generations. This resulted in the length of the giraffe's neck increasing over time. It is now commonly accepted that Lamarck's ideas were wrong.