This poem describes the action-packed night of April 18, 1775, the famous ride of Paul Revere. It starts in Boston, where Paul and a friend are talking about the British army. They think the soldiers are going to leave Boston that night, but they aren't sure whether they will go by land or sea.
Channeling: The term channeling is described as a "phrase psychics" that is being used to determine the phenomenon of creating an open channel related to communication between an individual as a medium and therefore someone else is who he or she is trying to channel or channeling.
When a person tries to channel someone then he or she is allowing the other person to communicate via a "psychic connection or association" or else to receive a specific message in the given manner.
In the question above, the given aspect represents the channeling.
The cooperation between the Hindus and the Muslims would help build a rich and powerful empire because, the worlds major religions are Islam and Hinduism and because of that if two combine it makes a powerful group of people and they all have different understanding and thinking. Because of the differences between the two groups, they can come up with pretty unique ideas, which can help a lot and these two groups arent heard as much as other groups. Believe me, many of these people have unique ideas and arent heard or they just keep it to themselves. In conclusion they can build a rich and powerful empire because if their differences, beliefs, and morals they've been taught.
The correct answer is C. Controlling mass poaching at Kaziranga
The main factor for the situation of Indian Rhino species during the 19th century was the mass poaching of this species. This occurred because during this time hunting as a sport was quite popular and rhinos were hunted due to their horns, which were considered to have special medicinal properties. Due to this, to save Indian Rhinos one key factor was to make the hunting of rhinos illegal and in general to control mass poaching in the Kaziranga zone. These two strategies make the species to slowly recover and avoid extinction. According to this, the option that describes a critical step in this conservation plant is C.
D - Check and balances.
This is a basic fundamental system of the American government, as it prevents corruption within, as each branch has its own way to check on other branches and balance the powers as a whole, hence the term "checks and balances".