Non of the above
Cumulonimbus clouds are associated with extreme weather such as heavy torrential downpours, hail storms, lightning and even tornadoes. Individual cumulonimbus cells will usually dissipate within an hour once showers start falling, making for short-lived, heavy rain.
Each chromosome contains one molecule.
Sana tama kase feel ko pang
lungs and kidneys
The median plane divides the body into two halves through a mid line.
The transverse plain is also known as the axial plane and it divided the body into the upper part and a lower part.
The frontal plane is also known as the coronal plane. It divided the body into the dorsal and ventral sections. The dorsal and ventral sections are the front and back sections ( belly and back).
Lungs and kidneys are the only parts which cannot be seen through all the three plains.