ello luv XD XD XD XD :D how are you doing today?
We use decimals every day while dealing with money, weight, length etc. Decimal numbers are used in situations where more precision is required than the whole numbers can provide. For example, when we calculate our weight on the weighing machine, we do not always find the weight equal to a whole number on the scale.
drugs, because there are drugs out there like fentanyl which is deadly or cocaine which is addicting as well.
d. risk for infection related to disruption of skin integrity.
Open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) is a type of surgery used to stabilize and weld a broken bone.
You are more likely to need an ORIF procedure if:
* The bones in his leg have lost a lot of alignment
* Your broken tibia or fibula that pierces your skin
* Your tibia or fibula broken into several parts
* Your fracture affects the knee joint
* Your bones have not welded normally after undergoing treatments that are more conservative.
The best answer to the question: Which nursing action takes priority, when talking about a patient who was on an automobile collision and who sustained multiple injuries, would be: Maintain constant observation and monitoring of appearance of possible signs and symptoms of increased intracraneal pressure.
The reason for this being the correct nursing plan for the patient comes from the evidence present in the patient himself. He has been through an automobile accident in which without much doubt, his head was hit. Because he is presenting mild symptoms of neurological affectation, like drowsiness, headache and also disorientation in time, only, this indicates that it is a possibility that intracraneal pressure may be affected, or may be affected in the future. Thus, the nurse will strive to evaluate the patient´s responsiveness to certain stimulus like periodical conversation, preventing the patient from falling asleep but allowing him to stay silent through intervals. In this way the nurse will effectively monitor and observe the patient for any signs that may indicate a change in intracraneal pressure.