It experiences more evaporation due to the ocean being around 83 degrees farenheit
The environment the moths lived in used to be unpolluted. This made dark moths rare. As the area where light moths were found became more polluted, the light moths became less common in the polluted/dark areas. Light Moths began to evolve after not being able to survive in dark forests, they began to get darker and blend in with the polluted area to be safe from predators.
decreased mass - less energy needed for movement - less carbohydrates required - more available ATP
Solution; Increased muscle mass in athletes will increase the number of mitochondria in body. Mitochondria provides energy to cells of our body so more mitochondria will results in more energy and due to large amount of energy there will be increased cellular respiration and less fatigue, thus athletic performance will be improved.
A point mutation can indeed be a frameshift mutation
If a DNA strand has the base sequence TTCCGGAA the complementary strand has the sequence AAGGCCTT.
A DNA molecule is constructed from sequences of its four nitrogenous bases: adenine, thymine, guanine and cytosine. Since DNA is made up of two strands, the sequence of nitrogenous bases of one strand is complementary to the other
The complementarity of the bases is a characteristic of the nitrogenous bases in the nucleic acids to combine with their complementary base, which is the same as saying that purines complement with pyramidines.
- <em>Adenine is combined with Thymine A=T
- <em>Cytosine is complemented with Guanina C≡G
In this way, given a sequence on a DNA strand
<em> T-T-C-C-G-G-A-A</em>
The complementary strand will have this sequence:
<em> A-A-G-G-C-C-T-T</em>