Humidity. I think you need to work on your grammar a little bit pal, if you ever need help with ELA homework, hmu.
your answer it is help to understand this question
Marsupials are pest put some are not but some of them are mammals and some of them are not. I guessed it should be either way .
Answer: b. The radius forms the point of the elbow
c. The radius articulates to the wrist closest to the thumb
Ulna and radius are the two bones of the forearm. These bones articulates with the humerus and carpels of the hand.
b. The radius forms the point of the elbow: The elbow joint is the hinge joint that forms between the proximal ends of the radius and ulna in the forearm and distal ends of the humerus. The radius forms a pointed end.
c. The radius articulates to the wrist closest to the thumb: The wrist forms a complex joint. It forms a transition between the hand and the forearm. The radial deviation in the wrist forms the basis for the movement of the tilting of the wrist joint towards the thumb.
If another predator, that is more efficient hunter, enters the territory of the puffins, the puffins will find themselves in a very tough situation. They will either have to adapt very quickly, or die out.
The evolutionary pressure will be there fro the puffins to push them in a direction to adapt and be netter hunters, thus fight for their existence. That would mean that the puffin's beak, but also their speed and efficiency will have to improve in order to compete or even out-compete the new predator.
If the puffins do not manage to adapt relatively quickly, and a food shortage occurs, than they will die out, as they will lose the fight for food constantly.