wheres picture have no idea
What are you learning about exactly so I can help
High Flying Hero and Hang On, Dolly are the titles of the books I'm analyzing.Christy Mihaly is the author of High Flying Hero, and Sally Lee is the author of Hang On, Dolly.Cher Ami is the name of a pigeon in The High Flying Hero.Cher Ami nearly perished while delivering a significant message during World War II.With the message, Cher Ami saved hundreds of lives.The goal of Christy Mihaly's writing was to inform the readers.Hold on, the story of Dolly shepherd is about a woman who put her life in danger multiple times.She had a terrible accident and was told she would never be able to walk again, but she enjoyed parachuting.That didn't stop her from parachuting, and she assisted in both World Wars.Sally Lee's goal was to motivate people to pursue their goals despite obstacles.Both texts, in my opinion, are effective.Hold on, Dolly teaches valuable life lessons and has a lot of knowledge about Dolly.High Flying Hero has interesting aspects and a lot of information about World War I.
a. 6 alphabets are there in music
b. 4 clefs we have in common use
I don't even know what that means.