For decimals, move the decimal point 2 units to the right to get the percentage.
0.125 = 12.5%
0.09 = 9%
for fractions, if it is over 100, make it the percentage of the number
so for 11 over 100, it is 11%
for example, 50 over 100, it is 50%
if it is not over one hundred, divide the numerator to denominator to get a decimal, and then make it into a percentage
for example 11/35. 11 divided by 35 is 0.31
0.31 = 31%
that is just an example
hope this helps
The answer is .90º + 90º = 180º, <span>.90º is not an obtuse angle</span>
First option and Last option are the correct choices.
Step-by-step explanation: