Sara and Jasmine (a compound subject)
where's the question so that I can answer it:)
Wild forest fires cause in depth harm to flora and fauna and end in destruction of man-made property in and around the space of the fireside.
Controlled fires are used by agriculturists and forest officers to keep wild fires trapped. It involves careful, controlled burning of bound areas of the forest, to clear it off ignitable organic matter. within the event of fire, this cleared-off space acts as a barrier for fire from spreading more.
Thick smoke from such artificial fires may be a cause for environmental concern too. There are good sides and bad sides to this. It can help with preventing wild fires and controlling them, however it can also cause harm to all the animals living in that specific area. They can lose their habitat and could even die. I believe that controlled wild fires are something that should be done especially in areas where they’re a lot more common than others. (Such as California) A big portion of the state gets burnt to the ground and many people lose their businesses, homes, and even loved ones.
both black and white should have freedom