c. Decreases by 4.5%
Calculation for What is the percentage change in the PV
First step is to calculate the present value when r is 5%
PV = 100 / (1 + 5%)^1
PV = $95.24
Second step is to calculate present value when r is 10%
PV = 100 / (1 + 10%)^1
PV = $ 90.91
Last step is to calculate the percentage change in the PV
Percentage change in the PV = (90.91 - 95.24) * 100 / 95.24
Percentage change in the PV = - 4.55% (Decrease)
Therefore the Percentage change in the PV Decreases by 4.5%
The answer is C. analyze your current personal and financial situation
Answer:Share premium account of $24,000
The provider of attorney services of $30,000
On provision of services, the Attorney services expenses account is debited with $54,000 and the attorney services provider account credited with $54,000
Furthermore a share account is opened for the provider and credited with $30,000 , the share premium is credited $24,000 and a debit transfer is made to his liability account initially credited.
The $24,000 credit to share premium represents the difference between the nominal value of the share of $5 and the market value of $9 multiply by the 30,000 shares he was paid with.
Also a memorandum will be issued to state that 6000 share has been transferred from Miller to the attorney services provider and the shares will be delited from his name and entered in the name of the services provider because the credit of shares to his account does not represents new shares issued but it's the transfer of Miller's shares to him.
Wholistic Health Services Co.
Income Statement for the year end February 28, 2019
Service Revenue $270,900
Less: Supplies Expense <u>$3,000 </u>
Gross Income $267,900
Less operating Expenses:
Insurance Expense $4,000
Depreciation Expense $9,000
Miscellaneous Expense $6,000
Utilities Expense $1,760
Rent Expense $4,200
Wages Expense <u>$213,000</u>
Net Income <u>$29,940 </u>
Income statement shows the performance of the company in a year. It provides the details of revenue, expenses and profits for the year. All the expenses are deducted from the revenue to determine the net earning of the business.
From the production plan, the budget for January is $12800, February, $16250, March $17175, April $20875, May $16900, and June $16900.
Production planning simply means the act of designing a guide for the production of a particular good or service.
It should be noted that production planning is important to ensure that all necessary preparation is completed before the start of a production cycle.
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