The correct answer is A.) Forms the plant cell wall.
<span>Since alkylating agents work to prevent the cell from replicating its genetic material, the cell would most likely stop at the interphase checkpoint, which is the phase before mitosis (which consists of prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase). During interphase, the cell replicates its genetic material (DNA), but this would be prohibited by alkylating agents.</span>
Most of the carbon in the earth is stored in the soil and air.
A) soil and air
Most of the carbon on earth is stored in rocks in the soil. There is approximately 2500 billion tons of carbon in the soil. The amount of carbon in the air is 800 billion tons and the amount of carbon found in plants and animals is 560 billion tons.
This clearly tells that most of the carbon in earth is stored in soil and air. The movement of carbon within the biosphere makes up the carbon cycle.
النّباتات كائنات حيّة تنتشر في جميع أنحاء العالم، وهي تعيش على اليابسة أو في المسطحات المائيّة، وتضم مملكة النّباتات أكثر من 350,000 نوع من الأشجار، والشّجيرات، والأعشاب، والسّراخس.[١] تنتج النّباتات غذاءها بنفسها عن طريق عملية البناء الضّوئي، وهي عملية تحدث داخل البلاستيدات الخضراء التي تحتوي على مادة الكلوروفيل التي تحوّل الطّاقة الشّمسيّة وغاز ثاني أكسيد الكربون إلى غذاء.7
Biomes are community wherein plants and animals share a common characteristic with their habitat.