Every day, accomplish five things. One thing for your job search, one thing for your community, one thing for your family, one thing to improve your home and one thing for your own spirit. You are needed and important, and by setting this goal daily, you will keep moving forward.”
True. The Intolerable Acts DID cause the formation of the Continental Navy.
There is a writing agreement that states what rich has obliged to do for mark ,which is to sell mark a strip of land. Since he has put to writing the details of the agreement, he must fulfill every clause of the writing. Since 6 month has elapsed and rich has not respected the writing, mark has every right to recourse.
The Presiding Officer of the United States Senate is the person who presides over the United States Senate and is charged with maintaining order and decorum, recognizing members to speak.
The vice president of the United States is the presiding officer of the senate.