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Nowadays energy generation heavily relies on fossil fuels causing environmental challenges. The global biofuels supply has increased by a factor of 8% since 2010, but only comprises 4% of the world’s transport fuels in 2015. The development of next generation of biofuel becomes increasingly important due to the depletion of fossil fuels and in the meantime to overcome challenges for current biofuels production – high cost and low efficiency. The biological production of lipid droplets in oleaginous microorganisms like microalgae, yeast, fungi, and bacteria becomes a promising path to the next generation of biofuels.
The lipid droplet (LD) is a cellular organelle that consists of a neutral lipid, mainly of triacylglycerols (TAGs) and cholesteryl esters, cored with a monolayer-phospholipid membrane and associated proteins. Lipid droplets widely exist in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, could be collected and extracted for biofuel manufacturing. However, this technology is now limited in lab research. Methods to improve the lipid droplet production in oleaginous microorganisms, biomass pretreatment, lipid droplet extraction, industrial scalability are still under development. The experience of liposome manufacturing provides us a solid ground for lipid droplet studies and helps our clients move to a further step of new biofuel development.
The reason why good sanitary practice should be observe and done especially in terms of washing dishes immediately after a meal in order to prevent bacteria from going and by this, it makes the enviroment more clean and more safe to people to live in. It is because when plates or used utensils are not cleaned after having it used, bacterial growth could sprout, making the environment dirty and dirt could interfere with someone's health into having them acquire illness that would also affect not only one person but also other people living in the house. That is why good sanitary practice is observed, not only because it promotes cleanliness but it is also because for the better health of the individuals.
The answer is A ! Hoped I helped! Have a rest day behuejeeueieidididkkzkzssisisiskskskskskskkskskskskskskkskskskskskskskskskskdkkxjjdrnfkwisokekzieksiiwdikekdjdjjwjsiwjUwkss
Macrophages are a type of immune cells that function as phagocyte. They are produced by white cells called the monocytes. Upon ingestion of bacterial cells, cytotoxic compounds e.g cytokines are produced that digest the bacteria.
The macrophages are activated by the presence of microbes in the blood. They activate antigen T presenting cells to produce cytokines that further destroy the engulfed bacteria.