Student loan put you in debt after you take it out and a scholarship basically helps you get a discount on the tuition you pay
loss of speech
typically when people have heat strokes they have slurred speech. trouble talking, along with seeing a stiff or drooping face and feeling sluggish in one limb, is one of the three main symptoms of stroke. If the flow of oxygen to the brain has been cut off by a blood clot, you may have slurred voice, or be difficult to understand, or be unable to speak at all.
hope this helped!
A seizure can be a sign of heart attack
The answere is (D)
or els you can figure out the answere from this,
<span>The answer is Hodgkin's disease. Sickle cell anemia is when red blood cells are deformed into a sickle-like shape and can not carry blood properly. A gastric ulcer is self-explanatory. Cirrhosis is a disease of the liver that occurs when the liver is exposed to long-time damage.</span>