A baseball player get a hit in 31% of his at-bats.
To find:
The probability that he will get a hit 5 at-bats in a row.
Since, a baseball player get a hit in 31% of his at-bats, therefore
Probability that he get a hit = 
Now, the probability that he will get a hit 5 at-bats in a row is

Therefore, the required probability is
and it can be written as 0.0028629151
The grizzly bears heart would drop 20% during hibernation
Alright, to get 1% of his unpaid balance, we can make 1% = 0.01 by moving the decimal place 2 places over. Multiplying 0.01 by 2365 gets 1% of your unpaid balance=23.65. Since we have to add 15 as a base value, we have
Two have the product of -1