Wind can blow the pollen to the stigma and carriers such as bee's carry it on them or shake the pollen that will eventually fall of the stigma of a a pistil.
I think it’s the third one - measure the the phenomenon....
In an equipment replacement decision, the cost of the old equipment is called Bsunk cost.
multi-million ilkmlkkkjjhgdsimmm
Answer: b. The instrument is correlated with x1.
d. The instrument does not directly influence y, except through x1.
Based on the information given in the question, the necessary characteristics of a suitable instrument include:
• The instrument is correlated with x1.
• The instrument does not directly influence y, except through x1.
Some of the criteria for an instrument variable are the fact that it should have a causal effect on independent variable and also the dependent variable isn't directly affected except through the independent variable which is x1 in this scenario.
Therefore, the correct option are B and D.