Yes. 2/3 is greater than 2/5. You can check this by cross multiplication or easier just look at the denominator and numerator. In this case the numerator is the same so it's easier in a sense that you need to look at the denominator. Since the denominator 3 is close to the numerator 2 it shows that it's almost a whole unlike the other fraction. You can also convert each fraction to decimals and compare it which is also easy. Just divide the numerator by the denominator and you've got a decimal. Hope this helps!
There is no solution
Step-by-step explanation:

There is no solution
because 2=0 is not possible.
*expanded form: 6/10 + 3/100 + 2/1000 (that is not division those r fractions!)
*written: six hundred thirty-two thousandTHS
always put "ths" when it is after a decimal point.
None. The movement of these tectonic plates is likely caused by convection currents in the molten rock in Earth’s mantle below the crust.
Step-by-step explanation:
Plate tectonics is the scientific theory explaining the movement of the earth’s crust. It is widely accepted by scientists today. Recall that both continental landmasses and the ocean floor are part of the earth’s crust, and that the crust is broken into individual pieces called tectonic plates (Fig. 7.14). The movement of these tectonic plates is likely caused by convection currents in the molten rock in Earth’s mantle below the crust. Earthquakes and volcanoes are the short-term results of this tectonic movement. The long-term result of plate tectonics is the movement of entire continents over millions of years (Fig. 7.18). The presence of the same type of fossils on continents that are now widely separated is evidence that continents have moved over geological history.
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= 15/4 as fraction
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