Khi một lượng sản lượng cụ thể được sản xuất, một lượng thu nhập giống hệt nhau được tạo ra bởi vì sản lượng đó thuộc về một người nào đó. Do đó, chúng ta có nhận dạng rằng đầu ra bằng thu nhập (trong đó danh tính là một phương trình luôn đúng bất kể giá trị của bất kỳ biến nào).
When a particular quantity of output is produced, an identical quantity of income is generated because the output belongs to someone. Thus we have the identity that output equals income (where an identity is an equation that is always true regardless of the values of any variables).
Answer: (B) Legal responsibility
The legal responsibility is one of the type of legal duty based on some laws and it basically helps in creating the foundation of the different types of values in an organization.
The legal responsibility plays an important role in an organization or any company as it helps in ensure all the legal formalities done by the company with the supplier, manufacturer or deals with the other company.
According to the given question, the Rizenton-pharm is one of the type of pharmaceutical company that producing the various types of chemical waste on regular basis that affect the government regulations and also environment. So, the pharm has flailed for fulfill their legal responsibility.
Therefore, Option (B) is correct answer.
Network representatives add value for suppliers and clients alike. They balance the difference between buyers and sellers in terms of time, location, and ownership.
- Channel representatives collect demand and supply information to make the services available on the marketplace.
At a market level, product placement relates to the wide range of products available on the market and presentation of those items in such a manner as to generate curiosity and entice investors to make a buy.
A retention of title clause within a contract of sale essentially means that ownership remains with the supplier, until full payment for the goods has been received. That is the seller of a particular product still holds full custody of his goods until the buyer fully pays for the goods.
200 from the 5% of 4000
140 from 4% on 3500
160 on 6.4% on 2500