1. . METAPHOR- "Richard DRUMMED his fingers on the arm of the chair waiting for his name to be called."
2. PERSONIFICATION -“Richard drummed his fingers on the ARM OF THE CHAIR waiting for his name to be called."
3. ONOMATOPOEIA-“The WHIRRING of the drills increased his anxiety, but he held his head high with a sort of cowardly courage."
4. ALLITERATION- "The whirring of the drills increased his anxiety, but HE HELD HIS HEAD HIGH with a sort of cowardly courage."
5. OXYMORON- "The whirring of the drills increased his anxiety, but he held his head high with a sort of COWARDLY COURAGE”
6. SIMILE- “RICHARD BRUSHED AND FLOSSED HIS TEETH LIKE A CLOCKWORK to avoid the wrath of the dentist’s tools, so the news that he had four cavities certainly took him by surprise."
7. PERSONIFICATION -"Richard brushed and flossed his teeth like clockwork to avoid THE WRATH of the dentist’s tools, so the news that he had four cavities certainly took him by surprise."
( copy it down )
* A reason someone may build a wall around there feelings is because they want to hold it in or contain their emotions basically hide it from reality.
* No i let out my feelings i do not build walls i let people know how i feel.
* The narrator does not believe it is a good idea to have walls around your emotions , how do i know well the narrator sees what happens before the plot takes place meaning the narrator knows best and what you should do depending on the plot.
* Yes there are times we should build walls not all our feelings need to be public some things are better left in the dark behind those walls we decide to build.
I'd go with the flaws of human nature and the inability to perfect the world around us (aka nature)
Crime patrol of India its popular as it shows crimes against women of different places and different kinda violenece or harrasement happening within women's and its really kinda educational program me as it makes public and other girls also aware about upcoming incidents
A. derrick has never hit a homerun