How do the risks compare to the potiential gains, what guarantees are in place so I can make money, What are the chances this invenstment will fail, what taxes will I have to pay on this investment
realized Section 1231 gain = $611,750
book value before the sale is made = $1,000,000 - $411,750 =$588,250
realized Section 1231 gain = selling price - book value = $1,200,000 - $588,250 = $611,750
A Section 1231 gain is realized when a real estate property is sold after the company has held it for more than 1 year.
The largest revenue the supplier can make under this deal is $24,151.2
Working file has been attached to help understand how the answer was derived. Some points to note in the sheet are:
- The sheet represents the following columns which are S. No., Chairs, Price, Total Revenue and difference in each revenue.
- As the no. of chairs rises the price is dropping by $0.2 in the entire order.
- However, at first this increase in order of chairs is beneficial even with the drop in the price of entire order.
- At the point, where chairs ordered are 348 and price is $69.4 the revenue is at its largest which is $24,151.2.
- After this point the increase in the no. of chairs is only decreasing the overall total revenue of the supplier.
The Federal Reserve System controls the monetary policy in the United States. They influence short-term interest rates and also determine the size of the money supply. The Federal budget is very hard to balance and <span>has been a concern and is difficult to achieve. The President sends the budget to Congress who must approve it.