Warm air above the ocean rises making room for cooler air from the land
The circle of life best illustrates natural selection
It depends on the graphics you have but:
The theory of one colonization and then radiation should see as only one group on your phylogeny, all branches come from a single point.
Now, convergent evolution means that in different islands the same morphologic pattern is seen BUT not come from the same ancestor. This means that the morphologic pattern was built under the island conditions and NOT as colonization from another island
If there is one colonization and then radiation all islands have to have their own phylogeny and same morphs on each phylogeny to be convergent.
Answer and Explanation:
Cyclins and cyclin-dependent protein kinases (CDPKs, cell proteins) also function to control the cell cycle. A group of cyclins: the G1 cyclins, are synthesized during G1 phase and function to activate CDPKs which initiate DNA synthesis at the G1/S checkpoint. The cell fails to progress to S phase if there is no sufficient synthesis of G1 cyclins. After a cell passes through this point, the G1 cyclins are degraded, allowing for another group of cyclins: the M cyclins (mitotic cyclins) to be synthesized. M cyclins activate a second group of CDPKs which allow the cell to pass the G2/M control point and into mitosis.
In the G1/s check point, entrance into the S phase is blocked if the genome is damaged. In the G2/M check point, entrance into the M phase is halted if the DNA replication is incomplete. In the M phase, anaphase blocked if chromatids are not properly assembled.