Yep lo composite Los ya nas todayo
1 is G number 2 is wait if i get it wrong please dont be mad number 2 is b thats all i know ok if i got it wrong sorry
Federalism divides the government into different levels such as the Federal government, state government, municipal government and county government.
As you go lower in this hierarchy, the number of people being governed reduces up until it gets to a point where the government is very close to its people.
At this level - such as the county level - people can bring their grievances to the county government who then passes it up the chain to the highest level if need be.
Federalism also allows for the appointment of legislative representatives who are elected quite close to home by constituents that can approach them if they have grievances.
The answer is six months. The Earliest memories an
individual can remember is by the age of six months, memories from earlier
months, such as two months of age are hard to remember or be familiar with, because
the brain hasn’t fully developed.
Reliability Example: IQ Test If the same person took the same IQ test multiple times, he or she would receive a different score each time but all the scores would be somewhere near or around the score of 130 (assuming 130 is his or her true intelligence).