D. Due care
In business, due care refers to the act of always maintaining reasonable behavior that wouldn't harm other people . The 'harm' could include both social or monetary harm.
Directors held one of the highest position in the company.
Due to their important status, every action that they make often used by other people to judge the company where they work in. If for example, the directors are behaving badly in public, more consumers will view that companies negatively.
Because of this, other board of directors often voted out one of the directors who misbehave in order to maintain the reputation of the company.
According to cognitive theory the mental processes that occur in the mind shapes the behavior of an organism. The behavior is not seen as the complete result as a reaction to the stimulus but the intermediate mental processes plays a part in the behavior.
Sierra, is not satisfied with her self image and downplays her achievements which leads her to be depressed. Her mental state is not caused as a reaction to a stimulus. So, this perspective is in line with the cognitive theory.
Members of congress.
As it is known that framers has placed their work about the said topic that the court has to follow the majority's preference especially in types of societies we find ourselves. In as much as they were smart and visionaries, a lot about the people are been asked to be in consideration in rulings. E.g Privacy is seen to put in here as identity theft is random and also medical histories are private and need not be shared with the general public as it is seen to come to financial records. Therefore congress members are seen to be less oportuned here.