La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
La pregunta es ambigua y no incluye mayor referencia, época o contexto. De ahí que podemos comentar de manera general lo siguiente.
Uno de los movimientos Europeos más reconocidos por el impacto cultural y emocional que provocó fue el llamado Renacimiento que inició en la Italia del siglo XIV, cuando el Humanismos empezó a cambiar los conceptos que imperaron en la época obscura de la Edad Media.
El Renacimiento se caracterizó además por el nacimiento de grandes artistas, escultores y pintores de la talla de Miguel Ángel Buonarroti, Leonardo Da Vinci y Rafael, impresionantes artistas que elevaron las emociones de la gente con sus perfectas creaciones.
The correct answer is Kush
The Kush people broke free of their rule <span>around 1000 BCE, and some 500 years later they moved south along the Nile and established Meroe.</span>
Yes. It can be assumed that Sumner had the support of the people as the legislature was popularly elected. The legislature also passed Sumner's own Objections to the Mexican War. This appears to be another sign that he was respected and had the support of the voters of Massachusetts.
When you put these questions up it would be smart to add the answer choices
The Council had been called to examine doctrine and reform. Charles V had wanted abuses looked at first in an attempt to please the Protestants and hopefully tempt them back to the church. Once they were back they could look at doctrine. Paul III did not want this as reforms could financially damage him and concessions could diminish his authority. The result was that two separate sections dealt with reform and doctrine simultaneously.
<span> if this helps!!</span>