1. The word 'tend' means 'disposed to', or 'frequently leads to' destruction.
2. He chose this subtitle for this section to explain how difficult it was for the French people to control the Vietnamese people.
3. Ruined means destruction.
4. The Vietnamese people were doing the ruining.
The article, "The Vietnam Wars," highlights the resistance put up by the Vietnamese people when other nations like the Chinese and French tried to subjugate them. In that section, the phrase, "Everything Tends to Ruin", was used by a French Military commander to summarize the frustration of the French people who tried to colonize the Vietnamese people.
The locals used their knowledge of the terrains to cause mayhem to their colonists. They resisted the schooling offered by the French people and rather embraced their culture. All ploys by the French colonists to subjugate them were met with resistance.
Answer: Dear -----,
I don't agree with the school uniforms rule. We need to have freedom in our clothing styles while following the guidelines as well. If you charge for them, many students might not be able to pay for it. Many students will destroy them as well and just plain out refuse to wear them. Our outfits represent our personalities and part of who we are. If you take away that, it'll be like taking our freedom of speech away.
Make a list of pros and cons based on whether you agree or disagree with the uniforms. Then explain the pros and cons in your letter. If you choose no basely on that its uncomfortable for girls/ etc (choosing your audience) than try to make pros and cons about your topic
Hope this helps! Sorry it's so long!
The first impression the reader has of Lady Macbeth is that she is determined and the strong one in the relationship; she controls Macbeth and is very greedy
The answer is false.
He was an essayist, playwright, literary critic and poet. He was famous for his works such as “The Love
Song Of J. Alfred Purfrock”, “The Waste Land”, “The Hollow Men”, “Ash Wednesday”
and “Four Quartets”. For his
achievements, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1948.