How To Deal With Bullies
<em>Disclaimer:I am not a professional Therapist or anything of that sort i just provided my honest opinions and personal advice hope it helps! </em>
<em>First off think about what the bully is doing and how is it effecting your life or daily life in general is it affecting you In a negative way?</em>
<em>Note that Bullies might be bullying you because they either got bullied in the past, have issues at home,relationships, are in a situation and just letting out there anger or emotions out on you not all bullies might have been bullied in the past or have problems at home,or relationships,etc but just bully for there own enjoyment which isn’t a good thing because it may effect the victim in a negative way</em>
Different Ways To Deal With Bullies
<em>people Who get bullied are either bullied verbally,physically,emotionally,or online (Cyberbullying)</em>
Verbal Bullies
if someone is bullying you verbally (with words) talk to a trusted adult about it a trusted friend a parent or a counselor they might help you with the situation if you do not wish to speak to someone just ignore the bully and try to be strong because there words will not change who you are or effect you you know who you are and cruel words will not change that if the situation does get out of control or becomes worse talk to a trusted adult!
Physical Bullies
now this one is a serious issue because there are bullies that may physically hurt someone if this has happened to you please talk to a trusted adult,parent ,counselor it’s best to do so just in case it gets out of hand In the future.
Emotionally Bullying
Emotional bullying is when a bully torments,humiliates,threaten,name call, someone they seek enjoyment out of your negative emotions which isn’t a good thing dealing with bullies that emotionally bully you is a tough thing because there your emotions and it’s normal to have feelings but it’s not normal for someone (bullies) to play with your emotions and have fun seeing you cry or get angry if someone has emotionally bullied you talk to a friend,a trusted adult,counsler,or trusted parent/guardian to help you cope with the situation if you do not wish to speak to someone try To stay strong and ignore the bully if the situation gets out of hand I really suggest talking to someone you trust or someone you think could help.
Cyberbullying is when you get bullied but online it can either be someone you know,or even a total stranger if you are getting Cyberbullied and you don’t know them either block the person avoid the person (meaning don’t respond back to the person because it just continues) talk to a parent or someone you trust or a friend if the online bully is someone you know same again avoid online contact and physical contact talk to a trusted adult about the situation if it gets out of hand.
<em>sometimes people can be shy scared timid to speak up and tell an adult,parent,friend about the situation but I really suggest just telling someone because if the situation gets worse you have people looking out for you and you might not regret it All I’m saying is telling someone can make a difference in the situation.</em>
<em>also if someone you know or someone is getting bullied don’t be scared to stand up it can really make a difference</em>
<em>(it took quite a while to write this but I really am passionate about writing so don’t need to worry I wrote what I felt and If Your being bullied I hope this kinda helps as I said I’m not a professional or anything just giving my honest opinions and advice) </em>