Stealing is not as bad as child trafficking. Child trafficking is awful and happens everywhere, along with stealing. With stealing, you can always give the stuff back that you stole. Child trafficking, not so much. Child trafficking is where children are sold in slavery and they send them to far away country's to do slave work. It happens everywhere. Stealing doesn't give you as much jail time. If you get caught child trafficking, you go to jail for 10+ years. Child trafficking is worse
Child trafficking is worse than stealing. This is because child trafficking involves a life. A child being trafficked can result in things like trauma or even a fatality. Stealing is a crime. However, stealing does not involve the buying and selling of an adolescent. If you steal, you’ll most likely get jail time. Consequently, if you are using children for trafficking purposes, the jail time for this is much greater than the jail time of stealing.
The last one "he makes a wish of eternal youth without considering the consequences of his actions" is ended with a question mark but it isn't phrased as a question and should be ended by a period instead. The fourth sentence is the correct answer.