The question lacks options, the options are:
A) 1 out of 16
B) 3 out of 16
C) 6 out of 16
D) 9 out of 16
The answer is 1 out of 16
This is a DIHYBRID cross because it involves two different genes coding for distinct traits. One of the traits will be dominant while the other recessive. Hence, parents that are purebred for opposite forms of the trait means that one parent is homozygous dominant while the other is homozygous recessive. When these two parents cross, they produce F1 offsprings that all possess the dominant trait but heterozygous/hybrids.
When these hybrids are self-crossed, they produce four different combinations of gametes which when crossed using a punnet square will result in F2 offsprings with a 9:3:3:1 phenotypic ratio according to Mendel's observation.
9 represents offsprings that are dominant for both traits
The two 3's represents offsprings that are recessive for one trait and dominant for the other respectively.
1 represents offsprings that are homozygous recessive for both traits.
Hence, 1 out of 16 offsprings will be homozygous recessive for both traits.
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the correct the answer is a
The evaluation of their DNA and short tandem repeats will let them know if the birds are related or not. The genetic linkage will provide information about their common ancestry as well as if they belong to the same species, or are closely related species.
Plantae: Autotrophic, Multi- or Monocellular, have cell walls as well as a membrane, have a chloroplast making the characteristic green color and to capture sunlight for photosynthesis. Break down generated glucose into it's components.
Animalia: Heterotrophic, Multi- or Monocellular, have a cell membrane made of a phospholipid bilayer, and many mitochondria to aid with movement energy. Feed on plants or other animals. Eukaryotic cells.
Fungi: Heterotrophic, most Multicellular, have a rigid cell wall made of chitin, specialized cells to aid with decomposition of dead organic matter. Eukaryotic cells.
Protista: Can be plant-like, animal-like, or fungus-like. Most are single-celled, may be chemosynthetic or photosynthetic. Eukaryotic cells.
Archeabacteria: Prokaryotic. Do not have nuclei or membrane-bound organelles. Move around using a flagellum to propel itself. Lives in mainly fluid environments (air, water). Separated from Eubacteria due to it's high tolerance of extreme conditions, such as high salinity, no oxygen, burning heat, or freezing cold. Can be chemosynthetic or anaerobic, as well as aerobic.
Eubacteria: Normal, everyday bacteria. Prokaryotic, chemosynthetic, anaerobic, or aerobic. Do not have nuclei or membrane-bound organelles. Mobile using a flagellum to propel itself.