Nationalism and Imperialism are two terms that should be understood in different senses. Nationalism is based on aggressiveness in its concept. On the other hand imperialism is constructive in its concept.
Imperialism is a kind of rule that aims at bringing equality of values, beliefs, and expertise among empires and kingdoms through domination and is autocratic in nature and also sometimes monolithic in its concept. Imperialism is a kind of western undertaking that employs expansionistic views and ideas in its ideals. Nationalism on the other hand paves the way for enmity among nations. A nationalist feels that his own country is better than any other country.
According to the great thinker George Orwell, nationalism is deeply rooted in emotions and rivalry. It makes one contemptuous of the virtues possessed by other nations. Nationalism makes one intolerant towards the progress made by other nations.
Nationalism makes one think that the people belonging to one’s own country should be considered one’s equal. Such thoughts are not present the ideals of imperialism. A nationalist does not mind about the deficiencies of his country but on the contrary takes into account only its virtues.
A nationalist strives for the domination of a nation and expresses his love for the country in an aggressive way. An imperialist though creates unequal economic relationship between states yet he maintains the unequal relationships based on domination. This is a subtle difference between the two terms.
Nationalism gives importance to unity of by way of cultural background and linguistic environment. The factors of cultural background and linguistic environment are not taken into account by the imperialist to a great extent.
In literary and historical analysis, presentism is the anachronistic introduction of present-day ideas and perspectives into depictions or interpretations of the past. Modern historians seek to avoid presentism in their work because they consider it a form of cultural bias, and believe it creates a distorted understanding of their subject matter.[1] The practice of presentism is regarded by some as a common fallacy when writing about the past.
The Versailles Treaty (signed in 1919) and the London Plan of Payments of 1921 required Germany to pay 132 billion gold marks (33 billion US dollars [all amounts are present, unless stated]) for restitution to cover civil damage suffered during the war.
The singer journey in Arabic First empty quarter crossing 1946-7, in October 1946 Wilfred returned to the port city of salalah, determined to be the first western explorer to cross the eastern sands of the the Empty quarter by camel, so the answer is by camel
Only a member of legislature.