A category , for example horror , action , romance
7.9 Age Word Problems
One application of linear equations is what are termed age problems. When solving age problems, generally the age of two different people (or objects) both now and in the future (or past) are compared. The objective of these problems is usually to find each subject’s current age. Since there can be a lot of information in these problems, a chart can be used to help organize and solve. An example of such a table is below.
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A roast chicken needs to rest for about 15 minutes to insure it is fully cooked and for a juicier chicken.
Human nature often calls for us to run and take shelter whenever there is danger near by. However, sometimes compassion takes over human nature and thus causes people to risk their lives for the well being of others. Humans are more than their nature intends us to be. If everyone was confined to their natural instincts, there would be no stories of people saving the day.