Él dividendo seria 5
Step-by-step explanation:
Por que si dividimos 800 ÷ 5 = 160 y no nos quedan residuos
3/5 is greater than 1/4 and if u dont trust me then look at a graph
To determine whether 10a-10c are true or false, you first need to know how to find the volume of the shoebox and the volume of the crate.
The equation for volume is l × w × h where l is the length, w is the width, and h is the height.
So, the volume of the shoebox is
V = l × w × h
V = 12 × 6 × 4
V = 288 cubic inches.
To find the volume of the crate, we simply multiply the volume of one shoebox by 20, as the crate holds 20 shoeboxes.
228 × 20 = 4560 cubic inches.
10a. Each shoebox has a volume of 22 cubic inches. <span>False. The volume is 228 cubic inches.
</span>10b. Each crate has a volume of about 440 cubic inches. <span>False. The volume of each crate is 4560 cubic inches.</span><span>
</span>10c. If the crate could hold 27 shoeboxes, the volume of the crate would be about 7,776 cubic inches.
For this one, let's do some more math. Since we figured out the volume of a crate holding 20 shoeboxes is 4560 cubic inches, let's do the same thing to find the volume of a crate holding 27 shoeboxes.
228 × 27 = 6156 cubic inches.
<span>False. The volume of a crate holding 27 shoeboxes would be 6156 cubic inches.
</span>11 part A:
Each term above describes the term below, but the term below doesn't necessarily describe the term above.
The choice of terms is : <span>trapezoid</span>, <span>triangle</span>, <span>rhombus</span>, <span>parallelogram</span>
Before we do anything else, let's define our terms, as well as the ones used in the diagram.
Trapezoid - A four sided shape with a pair opposite parallel sides.<span>
Triangle - </span>A shape with three sides.<span>
Rhombus - </span>A shape with four equal straight sides<span>.
Parallelogram - </span>A quadrilateral with two sets of parallel sides.<span>
Quadrilateral - </span>A four-sided shape with four angles.<span>
Square - </span>A four-sided shape with all four sides the same length, and all four angles are the same size.
The first term is quadrilateral. From this, we can determine that the term <span>triangle</span> won't be used at all, as it's a three-sided figure, whereas a <span>quadrilateral</span> is a four-sided figure. This leaves <span>trapezoid, rhombus, </span>and <span>parallelogram </span>as our terms.
A <span>trapezoid </span>is a <span>quadrilateral</span>, because it has four sides, but it can't be a <span>rhombus </span>or <span>parallelogram</span>, so it goes in the first open box.
A parallelogram is a trapezoid, because it has a pair of opposite parallel sides, but it can't be a rhombus, because it doesn't necessarily have all equal sides, so it goes in the second open box.
A rhombus is a parallelogram, because it has two sets of parallel sides, and goes in the third open box.
So, from top box to bottom box, the order the term go is
The total area of the complete lawn is (100-ft x 200-ft) = 20,000 ft².
One half of the lawn is 10,000 ft². That's the limit that the first man
must be careful not to exceed, lest he blindly mow a couple of blades
more than his partner does, and become the laughing stock of the whole
company when the word gets around. 10,000 ft² ... no mas !
When you think about it ... massage it and roll it around in your
mind's eye, and then soon give up and make yourself a sketch ...
you realize that if he starts along the length of the field, then with
a 2-ft cut, the lengths of the strips he cuts will line up like this:
First lap:
(200 - 0) = 200
(100 - 2) = 98
(200 - 2) = 198
(100 - 4) = 96
Second lap:
(200 - 4) = 196
(100 - 6) = 94
(200 - 6) = 194
(100 - 8) = 92
Third lap:
(200 - 8) = 192
(100 - 10) = 90
(200 - 10) = 190
(100 - 12) = 88
These are the lengths of each strip. They're 2-ft wide, so the area
of each one is (2 x the length).
I expected to be able to see a pattern developing, but my brain cells
are too fatigued and I don't see it. So I'll just keep going for another
lap, then add up all the areas and see how close he is:
Fourth lap:
(200 - 12) = 188
(100 - 14) = 86
(200 - 14) = 186
(100 - 16) = 84
So far, after four laps around the yard, the 16 lengths add up to
2,272-ft, for a total area of 4,544-ft². If I kept this up, I'd need to do
at least four more laps ... probably more, because they're getting smaller
all the time, so each lap contributes less area than the last one did.
Hey ! Maybe that's the key to the approximate pattern !
Each lap around the yard mows a 2-ft strip along the length ... twice ...
and a 2-ft strip along the width ... twice. (Approximately.) So the area
that gets mowed around each lap is (2-ft) x (the perimeter of the rectangle),
(approximately), and then the NEXT lap is a rectangle with 4-ft less length
and 4-ft less width.
So now we have rectangles measuring
(200 x 100), (196 x 96), (192 x 92), (188 x 88), (184 x 84) ... etc.
and the areas of their rectangular strips are
1200-ft², 1168-ft², 1136-ft², 1104-ft², 1072-ft² ... etc.
==> I see that the areas are decreasing by 32-ft² each lap.
So the next few laps are
1040-ft², 1008-ft², 976-ft², 944-ft², 912-ft² ... etc.
How much area do we have now:
After 9 laps, Area = 9,648-ft²
After 10 laps, Area = 10,560-ft².
And there you are ... Somewhere during the 10th lap, he'll need to
stop and call the company surveyor, to come out, measure up, walk
in front of the mower, and put down a yellow chalk-line exactly where
the total becomes 10,000-ft².
There must still be an easier way to do it. For now, however, I'll leave it
there, and go with my answer of: During the 10th lap.